September 16 - 19, 2010    モスクワ , ロシア
During September 16-19, the Central House of Artists hosted CHRISTMAS TIME/100 DAYS BEFORE NEW YEAR, a wholesale fair for the New Year’s and festive goods industry – the main exhibition site for all those who are professionally engaged in this industry.

Every year, the project participants include more than 100 companies offering the best products of such categories as New Year’s decorations, gifts, souvenirs, toys, and decorative lights and accessories for shop-windows. From 2006, the Fair has been held on a biannual basis, in spring and autumn. In 2007, the Christmas Time brand was granted the RUEF (Russian Union of Exhibitions and Fairs) sign.


Location: Central House of Artists
The Сentral House of Artist has no analogy neither in Russia nor in Europe. It presents the biggest amount of works and occupied the largest exposition area (about 10000 square meters). It holds more..
連絡先 119049, , Krymskiy val, 10 Moscow , Russia
(495) 238-9843, 238-9634