April 10 - 13, 2012    モスクワ , ロシア

Exhibition is open to professional visitors, focused on bulk purchases and contracts for the supply of Christmas goods. Designers and decorators are interested in trend-show, demonstrating the trends in modern interior design.

Event Title: 20th International Trade Fair for Christmas and Festive Goods Industry "Christmas Time. 100 Days before New Year"

Patronage: Government of Moscow

Department of Consumer Market and Services of Moscow City

Showdate: September 4-7, 2012

Venue: Central House of Artists, 10 Krymskiy val, Moscow

Frequency: twice in a year (Spring and Autumn)

Target audience: the bulk of the visitors is a professional trade audience (professionals – over 80%). One third of the visitors is from regions.


Location: Central House of Artists
The Сentral House of Artist has no analogy neither in Russia nor in Europe. It presents the biggest amount of works and occupied the largest exposition area (about 10000 square meters). It holds more..
連絡先 119049, , Krymskiy val, 10 Moscow , Russia
(495) 238-9843, 238-9634