September 10 - 18, 2011    Thessalonique , Gréce
The International Fair of Thessalonica, with the historical continuity and the role that played during eight decades, constitutes undeniably the national fair pylon of the country. It engraves a policy that has as unique protractor the support and promotion of the Greek production and business dexterity and through that the growth of national economy, so much at national level as at international.


WEEKDAYS: 17:00-22:00
WEEKENDS: 10:00-22:00


Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: HELEXPO
HELEXPO S.A. is the national exhibition agency of Greece. It is the largest organizer of exhibitions, conferences and cultural events in South-Eastern Europe and it is seated in Thessaloniki. As an..
Contact 54 Egnatia Street, P.O. BOX 546 36 Thessalonika , Greece
+30 2310 291 111