15 September, 2010    Thessalonique , Gréce

Visiteurs: 250000
Exposants: 20
Zone: 43.000 sq.m
Play your part at the leading financial and political event that takes place every year in Thessaloniki. 

Thessaloniki International Fair by HELEXPO is the largest and most important exhibition organized in Greece that due to its commercial nature attracts 250.000 visitors. 

With a rich past and the glam of the old era, Thessaloniki International Fair organizes many cultural and entertainment events, that transform the Fair into the city’s biggest celebration. 

The Thessaloniki International Fair’s new multi-purpose structure and thematic sections strengthen trade, entrepreneurship and contribute significantly to the development of the Greek economy. 

Participate in the 75th TIF to promote your business and discover innovative ideas and pioneering tactics that will boost your business’s development.

From the 11th till the 12th of September “the game is on” in 75th TIF.

In 2009, the 74rd TIF made a substantial impression with 13 homage events and numerous satellite events

covered 43.000 sq.m. , comprised 1.009 exhibitors, hosted 20 international participations and was attended by 250.000 visitors in 8 days.

Opening Hours:
Weekdays: 17:00 - 22:00
Weekends: 10:00 - 22:00

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: HELEXPO
HELEXPO S.A. is the national exhibition agency of Greece. It is the largest organizer of exhibitions, conferences and cultural events in South-Eastern Europe and it is seated in Thessaloniki. As an..
Contact 54 Egnatia Street, P.O. BOX 546 36 Thessalonika , Greece
+30 2310 291 111