September 17 - 19, 2014    Florence , Italy
EACTA 2014 Annual Meeting and 14th International Congress on Cardiovascular Anesthesia (ICCVA) will be held in Florence, Italy.
The International Scientific Programme Advisory Group has created an extraordinary scientific experience which will showcase the tremendous opportunities that lie before us as we seek to translate scientific evidence into effective therapies. The aim of the meeting is to provide a truly outstanding scientific and educational programme featuring leading figures in cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia and critical care from around the world. The scientific content will address the theme of meeting that is “Appropriate care in the face of reduced resources and increased morbidity”. The faculty speakers will include innovators who are transforming our ability to manage the critically ill patient in undergoing cardiothoracic and vascular anaesthesia and critical care in a way that were undreamt off just a few years ago. Lectures by these notable speakers will be complimented by scientific and educational workshops spanning the broad spectrum of cardiothoracic and vascular anesthesia and crtical care. The workshops will address the most challenging clinical perspectives and providing interactive discussions on the latest techniques along with opportunities to learn first hand about new and successful clinical approaches.


Location: Palazzo dei Congressi & Palazzo degli Affari
Contact . Florence , Italy

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