May 22 - 23, 2012    Tel Aviv , Israel
Kb"m and providers of services development, design, engineering, procurement and production testing. Equipment and instruments for clean rooms, electro-optics, lasers, fiber optics, lenses cameras and more, test equipment, processes and testing software, laboratory equipment, tools, printed circuit boards, various materials for manufacturing, packaging, plastics, electromechanical equipment and mechanical packaging cables and drives. Computing - Computing General, industrial computing, variety of software, operating systems, embedded computer systems. Power components, RF, microwave, control, motors, sensors, assemblies and systems., Power Supplies, UPS systems and robotics


Location: Israel Trade Fairs Center
The Israel Trade Fairs & Convention Center, is undergoing a renovation of its looks, and positions itself at the third millennium, ready and set over the green lawns, featuring a large and modern..
Contact Rokach Blvd. P.O. Box 21075 The Exhibition Gardens Tel Aviv , Israel
+972 3 6404480

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