July 23 - 29, 2012    Oshkosh WI , USA
If you want to enjoy a typical day at the Convention, get your walking shoes on and dress casual. The gates open at 7 a.m., but get there early to see as much as you can each day. Longtime attendees will tell you that you need more than one day to really see it all.

As you arrive, the number of people, size of the site and the rows and rows of magnificent aircraft are simply overwhelming. If you were to walk past ... not down ... each row of airplanes, you would cover 5.2 miles! Typically about 2,500 show aircraft participate at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, including homebuilts, antiques, classics, warbirds, ultralights and rotorcraft.

Be sure you get a map, because even if you've been here before, the new site improvements in 2009 bring a new look to one of the world's great aviation events. You don't want to waste a minute while you're here.

The first thing to look at is airplanes on the flight line. As an EAA member, you can inspect firsthand the craftsmanship and design advancements that come from the hands and minds of EAA members. If you're interested in a particular airplane chances are you'll find it in Oshkosh. As you walk along the flight line you'll see many of the newsmakers and personalities who make the world of aviation so exciting.


Location: Wittman Regional Airport
Contact 525 W 20th Ave, P.O. Box 188TT Oshkosh , USA

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