November 6 - 8, 2019    Токио , Гонконг

Visitors: 16840
Экспоненты: 810
Area: 27,000 sq.m.
Admission:Trade only. Visitors under 18 will not be admitted. (Free admission)

Special Highlight(s):Brand Name Gallery ~ A premium section showcasing top of the range branded eyewear and designers eyewear which stand out in creativity and quality

Место проведения

Location: Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center
Famed by Hong Kong’s stunning skyline, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC) is a magnificent, multi-purpose venue located right in the heart of Hong Kong on Victoria Harbour. The..
Обратная связь 1 Expo Drive Wanchai Hong Kong , Hong Kong
+852 2 582 8888


Hong Kong Trade Development Council
38/F, Office Tower, Convention Plaza, 1 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
(852) 1830 668

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