June 24 - 26, 2015    Augusta GA , США
Cyber security has been an increasingly relevant topic both in mainstream America and in the Defense Industry. Propriety information, Troop Movements, Battle Plans, and more are all potentially accessible to the most dedicated and creative of cyber terrorist. It is estimated that over 140 countries in the world (only 196 total) have stood up Cyber Warfare Commands. Potentially any computer connected to an internet has the potential to become a conduit of cyber terrorism, and has the potential to disrupt any systems or components connected to it. View the agenda here: http://bit.ly/1JkhYmk

Admiral Michael Rogers, Maj Gen Burke E. "Ed" Wilson, Brigadier General Karen Gibson, Mrs. Essye Miller, Richard Harris, Dr. Daniel Ragsdale (COL, Ret), COL Jim Chatfield and many more…

Место проведения

Location: Augusta Marriott Hotel & Suites
Обратная связь 2 10th St. Augusta , USA


535, 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10017
+1 800 882 8684 or +1 646 378 6026

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