October 13 - 16, 2015
Augsburg , Германия
Visitors: 18900
Экспоненты: 512
Area: 48,000 m²
Top benchmark for interlift 2013
Visitor record:18,900 visitors, every second one was a foreigner
(2011: 18,781 visitors from 54 countries, nearly every second visitor (47 %) came from outside Germany)
Record figures for the quantity of exhibitors and the amount of exhibition area booked
512 exhibitors from 40 countries and 71 % of them are foreign exhibitors
(2011: 499 exhibitors from 37 countries, 70 % exhibitors came form foreign countries)
New record: with 48,000 m² exhibition space the interlift is also the largest so far
(2011: 45,000 m²)
For 90 % of the visitors the interlift is still the worldwide leading trade fair for this sector
Italy and China have the most important foreign participations
VFA Forum: Complete programme with 45 experts from 12 countries
Preparations to start soon for interlift 2015! See you next interlift: 13th to 16th October, 2015
Visitor record:18,900 visitors, every second one was a foreigner
(2011: 18,781 visitors from 54 countries, nearly every second visitor (47 %) came from outside Germany)
Record figures for the quantity of exhibitors and the amount of exhibition area booked
512 exhibitors from 40 countries and 71 % of them are foreign exhibitors
(2011: 499 exhibitors from 37 countries, 70 % exhibitors came form foreign countries)
New record: with 48,000 m² exhibition space the interlift is also the largest so far
(2011: 45,000 m²)
For 90 % of the visitors the interlift is still the worldwide leading trade fair for this sector
Italy and China have the most important foreign participations
VFA Forum: Complete programme with 45 experts from 12 countries
Preparations to start soon for interlift 2015! See you next interlift: 13th to 16th October, 2015
Место проведения
Location: Messezentrum Augsburg
The Augsburg Trade Fair an Convention Center offers you full-service for any kind of exhibition, fair, congress, symposium, company presentation or other events.
As the third..
Обратная связь
Am Messezentrum 5 86159 Augsburg , Germany
+49 (0)821-2572-0
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