November 7 - 10, 2013    Shanghai , Китай
The China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair (CCBF) is the only GAPP-approved event dedicated to the copyright trading, publishing, printing and distribution of content related to books for 0 to 16 year-olds. To be held in one of Asia’s major international hubs, Shanghai, from November 7 to November 9, the show will run across two trade days and one public day. It will be a dynamic presentation of children’s books and derivative products that is sure to thrill publishing professionals and young readers alike.

Backed by the country’s official publishing authorities, the event will give you direct access to professionals at every level of the trade, from along the entire industry chain, as well as to enthusiastic customers, diversified content and the flourishing China publishing market. There will also be plenty of value-laden interactive sessions on-site to strengthen your contact network and promote your brand in China. With full participation of China’s leading children’s books publishers, CCBF will definitely facilitate bilateral copyright trading with China. CCBF will also offer unique opportunities for face-to-face interaction with popular authors, translators and illustrators as well as for China market entry testing via onsite sales on the public day.

Exhibitor Profile
Ø Publishers
Ø E-publishers
Ø Literary Agents
Ø Illustrators
Ø Translation Agencies
Ø Copyright Traders
and many more...

Visitor Profile
Ø Editors
Ø Authors
Ø Wholesalers and Retailers
Ø Importers and Exporters
Ø Libraries
Ø Kindergartens
Ø Primary and Junior Schools
Ø International Schools
and many more...

Место проведения

Location: Shanghai Mart
Shanghaimart is a superb international trading center featuring a mix of show-rooms, trade offices, and information resources that provide both international and domestic buyers and suppliers first..
Обратная связь 2299 Yan'an Road, Shanghai , China

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