January 25 - 26, 2014    Эдмонтон , Канада

Visitors: 40600
Details on the 2014 Expo will be released as they become available. Please check back for updates on special features, presentations and demonstrations, and all the exciting animal fun!

As always, you can expect to find information, resources, and great tips on how to be a responsible pet owner from industry experts at the Edmonton Pet Expo! Explore the product and service options available to owners and pets all in one convenient place. Give back to your community by supporting one of the local animal-focused charitable organizations, and learn more about the work that they do for animals and the community. Find great activities for kids! And please remember - leave your own pets at home.

Saturday: 10am-6pm
Sunday: 10am-5pm

• list of exhibitors
790 CFCW
A Dirty Dog Spa
ACTSS - Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society
Alberta Association of Animal Health Technologists
Alberta Dachshund Rescue
Animal Rescue and Outreach Society
Awesome Pawsome Ranch
Barrhead Animal Rescue Society
Beagle Paws
Belle's Biscuits & Doggie Delites
Big Al's Aquarium Supercentres
Biologic VET
Brianne's Hunny Ltd.
and many more.

Место проведения

Location: Edmonton Expo Centre
The Edmonton Exposition & Conference Centre integrates high-tech features with flexible, adaptable, indoor space to make room for the biggest and best in trade and consumer shows, conferences and..
Обратная связь 7515 - 118 Avenue , Alberta T5B 4X4 Edmonton , Canada

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