February 10 - 14, 2014    Havana , Куба

The Ministry of Higher Education and the universities of the Republic of Cuba summoned the 9th.International Congress on Higher Education "University 2014", to be held from 10 to 14 February 2014 in Havana.

Under the slogan "For a Socially LIABLE University" 2014 University renews the commitment of attending these events with the university and with their time, while it continues the reflections and contemporary debates in the field of higher education.

Место проведения

Обратная связь Calle 146, e/ 11 y 13, Reparto Cubanacan, Ciudad de la Habana Cuba Havana , Cuba

Похожие мероприятия

Universidad February 15 - 19, 2016
Universidad February 10 - 14, 2014
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