2010 APGA Annual Conference
March 15 - June 15, 2010
Сент-Луис MO , США
Visitors: 400
The Global Garden: APGA Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. June 23-27, 2009.
We invite you to join us in celebrating "The Global Garden" at the 2009 APGA Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Beneath the shadow of the Arch, the city once known as the "Gateway to the West" has become the gateway to advancing plant and life sciences research. Playing a crucial role in this thriving "BioBelt" is your conference host, the Missouri Botanical Garden. Led by Dr. Peter Raven, TIME Magazine's "Hero for the Planet" and a world authority on biodiversity and plant conservation, the Garden has branched out beyond its 79 beautiful acres to encompass one of the world's largest plant science and conservation programs. The institution's "unseen garden" behind-the-scenes is now visible in 36 countries around the globe, as 50 Ph.D. botanists and countless others work to identify, classify and conserve species in areas rich in biodiversity yet threatened by habitat destruction.
We invite you to join us in celebrating "The Global Garden" at the 2009 APGA Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. Beneath the shadow of the Arch, the city once known as the "Gateway to the West" has become the gateway to advancing plant and life sciences research. Playing a crucial role in this thriving "BioBelt" is your conference host, the Missouri Botanical Garden. Led by Dr. Peter Raven, TIME Magazine's "Hero for the Planet" and a world authority on biodiversity and plant conservation, the Garden has branched out beyond its 79 beautiful acres to encompass one of the world's largest plant science and conservation programs. The institution's "unseen garden" behind-the-scenes is now visible in 36 countries around the globe, as 50 Ph.D. botanists and countless others work to identify, classify and conserve species in areas rich in biodiversity yet threatened by habitat destruction.
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