Food Agri & Livestock Asia 2011
April 26 - 28, 2011
Карачи , Пакистан
Never before has an exhibition offered such an intimate look at Food, Agri & Livestock Industry of Pakistan. Food, Agri & Livestock Asia has become an annual meeting place for representatives of food business, experts and analysts around the region.
Sharmila Farooqui inaugurated Food Agri Livestock Asia 2010 at Karachi Expo CentreThe key goal of the exhibition is to highlight development trends and prospects and provide a platform for dialogue between experts engaged in interna- tional food analysis, specialists in various fields of the industry, & representatives of ministries and related departments.
Sharmila Farooqui inaugurated Food Agri Livestock Asia 2010 at Karachi Expo CentreThe key goal of the exhibition is to highlight development trends and prospects and provide a platform for dialogue between experts engaged in interna- tional food analysis, specialists in various fields of the industry, & representatives of ministries and related departments.
Место проведения
Location: Karachi Expo Center
Exhibitions are one of the most effective tool of trade Promotion. Leading trade centres of the world provide permanent exhibition facilities to encourage buyer-seller interaction. Karachi Expo Centre..
Обратная связь
Hal 1 & 2, University Rd. Karachi , Pakistan
+92 (21) 4999000
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