February 20 - 21, 2010    Krems , Австрия
The WEDDING AND LIFESTYLE transforms the Dominican church or the WEINSTADTmuseum Creams for two days in a world of love and fiancée, who want to dare.

More than 70 exhibitors showing in the Dominican church in WEINSTADTmuseum in the Modern Gallery and everything around the theme marriages, festivals and lifestyle.

At the WEDDING AND LIFESTYLE you will find everything from bridal gown to the table decorations, make-up of trends up to the limousine, the perfect bridal bouquet to the perfect catering for your party.

Место проведения

Location: Dominikanerkirche WEINSTADTmuseum
Обратная связь Krnermarkt 14 3500 Krems , Austria
+43 (0)2732/567