February 3 - 5, 2010    Сеул , Корея

Visitors: 21401
Экспоненты: 8134
Area: 6,615 sqm.sqm.
SEMICON Korea is an important annual event for the SEMI International Standards Program, which is celebrating the formation of the new FPD-Metrology Committee as well as the start of new semiconductor-related activities in Korea. If you are willing to learn about SEMI Standards, come and visit us.

Место проведения

Location: COEX
COEX is prominent landmark in Seoul. Located in the central business area, COEX is a destination for business, shopping, entertainment, and more. With a world-class convention and exhibition center,..
Обратная связь WTC, 159, Samsung-Dong, Gangnam-gu 135-731, Republic Seoul , Korea

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