April 12 - 16, 2010    Сантьяго , Чили

Visitors: 60000
Экспоненты: 1100
Area: 60000 sqm.
Expomin, 10 years delivering the best business opportunities. Consolidated as the Center for Global Mining is conducted every two years in Santiago, Chile, the capital of the world's largest mining

Место проведения

Location: Espacio Riesco
Espacio Riesco - Innovative and comfortable infrastructure set in over 130,000 m2 of land - Convention center (Meeting Rooms) 10,000 m2 with capacity for 6,500 people - Expocenter (Exhibition Hall..
Обратная связь Avenida El Salto 5000 Santiago , Chile
(56-2) 470-4460

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