October 10 - 11, 2017    ロンドン , 英国
Negotiation is a highly skilled activity - business success or failure can depend on it. Negotiation can be particularly challenging across different cultures, or in multi-party and other complex contexts. All directors and senior leaders can become more effective negotiators by recognising how best to deploy their skills at each stage of the negotiation from preparation through to completion. Even post-completion, skilled negotiation is required to resolve emerging problems as a deal is executed or a service provided. With insight into the processes of negotiation, you will be able to manage what is both a complex and sophisticated activity for all parties.


Location: Institute Of Directors London
連絡先 116 Pall Mall Twickenham , United Kingdom


Institute of Directors
+44 (0)20 7766 8866


Advanced Negotiation Training IoD October 10 - 11, 2017