12 October, 2015    ロンドン , 英国
s reporting requirements for derivatives contracts are now in place, and OTC derivatives clearing deadlines are fast approaching, implementation challenges have come to a head and the focus is now on ensuring that requirements can be met. However, just how clearing mandates will effect and cost the buy-side community is still uncertain, with many questions remaining. Risk Derivatives Clearing Europe is a one-day event that is perfectly timed to deliver key updates regarding European derivatives clearing and address the challenges the buy-side are facing in implementing clearing mandates. Conference Highlights Include: - The cost of clearing - is the derivatives business still profitable? CCP systemic risks and managing the threat they pose to the market - Accessing collateral and liquidity to meet your requirements - Achieving consistent clearing standards Managing CCP tail risk - is insurance the way forward? - What is the future of the clearing market? URLs: Booking: http://atnd.it/32624-0 Inquiries: http://atnd.it/32624-2 Price Sell Side Rate : £1449 Bank: Early Bird Rate: £799 Bank: Full Rate: £1099 Buy Side Rate: £499 Speakers: Axel Kunde, Terence Nahar, Vanaja Indra, David Brown, Yacine Zerizef, Richard Metcalfe, Sumit Mehta, Anne-Laure Condat, Wenchi Hu, Henk Becquaert, Barry Hadingham, Giuseppe Insalaco, John McPartland, Stuart Anderson, Fiona Southall, Anja Kleefsman, Simon Puleston-Jones, Christian Sigmundt Time: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm


Location: The Waldorf Hilton
連絡先 Aldwych Twickenham , United Kingdom
+44 20 7836 2400


Incisive Media Investments Limited
Haymarket House 28-29 Haymarket London SW1Y 4RX United Kingdom
+44(0) 207 316 9000
