September 22 - 23, 2014    ワシントン DC , 米国
Now in its 14th year, International Tax Review's Global Transfer Pricing Forum is the premier event for tax and transfer pricing professionals. High on the agenda for the most critical issues for 2014 will be the latest analysis of the OECD BEPS project and country-by-country reporting, amongst many other transfer pricing issues.

Take away actionable insights from high-level debates to allow you to evaluate a consistent global transfer pricing strategy to mitigate global risk and assess your ability to comply with potential changes in the transfer pricing landscape.

Networking opportunities are unrivalled; over 200 delegates from 50 international organisations attend the Forum every year to discuss the latest in transfer pricing policy and to benchmark their current strategies with those of their peers'. Attendees can also talk in confidence at this closed door event allowing for free and open discussion of the issues that concern your organisation the most.

Be sure to secure your place at this high-level event today.


Location: Park Hyatt Washington
連絡先 24 & M Streets, NW Washington , USA


International Tax Review
Nestor House Playhouse Yard London EC4V 5EX UK


Annual Global Transfer Pricing Forum September 22 - 23, 2014