October 10 - 14, 2013    Stevenson WA , 米国
The 62nd annual Montagna Symposium on the Biology of Skin, Light and Skin: How Light Sustains, Damages, Treats, Images and Modifies Skin Biology, will examine how light affects skin biology as well as skin biology's impact on the newest uses of light. Topics to be discussed include:

DNA effects, environmental change, photobiology and immunology
Photodynamic therapy, laser treatment, biostimulation, pulsed laser thermal effects, photoacoustic effects, low-level visible and near-IR effects
Live microscopy, diagnostics and technical tools, application areas, imaging of skin cancer and deep skin optical imaging


Location: Skamania Lodge
Skamania Lodge, a magnificent mountain resort nestled on 175 wooded acres, is located in the spectacular Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. The rustic yet elegant, grand mountain Lodge is..
連絡先 Skamania LodgeSkamania Lodge Paahina ng Place 1131 SW Skamania Lodge Way , WA 98648, Estados Unidos Stevenson , USA
(800) 221-7117