February 13 - 18, 2012    フェニックス AZ , 米国
SANS is bringing six information security courses to SANS Phoenix 2012. SANS hands-on curriculum is loaded with practical tools and cutting-edge information from our awesome instructor lineup - all top infosec industry experts. Now is the time to improve your skills with courses that are proven to provide knowledge that you can use the day you return to work. With the average temperature in the Arizona desert being 70 degrees in February, wouldn't this be a nice winter break?

In addition to four popular courses in security essentials, securing Windows, hacker techniques, and pen testing, we are bringing our two new courses: AUD407 - this class is designed for individuals who are tasked with auditing IT systems for implementation of organizational policies and procedures, risk, and policy conformance and MGT514 - this course is designed to help with the transition from technical person to manager to leader and give you the tools to be successful as a senior IT strategic planner, policy author, and leader.
Here's the entire course lineup for SANS Phoenix 2012, along with their corresponding GIAC certifications:

Audit 407: Foundations of Auditing Information Systems - NEW with James Tarala
Management 514: IT Security Strategic Planning, Policy and Leadership - NEW with Stephen Northcutt
Security 401: SANS Security Essentials Bootcamp Style * (GSEC) with Eric Cole, Ph.D.
Security 504: Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling * (GCIH) with Ed Skoudis
Security 505: Securing Windows (GCWN) with Jason Fossen
Security 542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking (GWAPT) with Kevin Johnson


Location: Hyatt Regency Phoenix
連絡先 At Civic Plaza 122 North Second Street Phoenix , USA


SANS Phoenix February 13 - 18, 2013
SANS Phoenix February 13 - 18, 2012