November 19 - 20, 2010    Antwerp , ベルギー

New products and techniques for finishing and decoration of floors, walls and ceilings

The first edition of easyFairs DECO & FINISH takes place at Antwerp expo on Friday, 19 November and Saturday, 20 November 2010. Its focus is products, systems and techniques related to the finishing and decoration of floors, walls and ceilings. As such, it is the only national umbrella trade show for painting and decoration companies, plasterers and finishers, architects and engineers. If these companies are important sources of business for your company, this is a must-attend event!

Focus on trends in renovation, decoration and ecology 
easyFairs DECO & FINISH focuses extensively on trends in colours, motifs and finishing techniques, as well as new and innovative products that were developed as a response to social and economic trends. Other central themes are sustainable renovation and ecology. Belgian painters and finishing companies are among the most innovative and highly regarded in Europe. They are constantly on the lookout for new products and solutions to meet the demands for high quality finishing and decoration of walls, floors and ceilings. That’s why Belgium needs easyFairs DECO & FINISH.


Location: Antwerp expo
Rich experience of 45 years Antwerp expo, formerly known Bouwcentrum, is the number one exhibition center in Antwerp. Host of about 1 million visitors per year, Antwerp expo has become a major venue..
連絡先 Jan van Rijswijcklaan 191 2020 en Antwerp , Belgium
+32 (0)3/2608120


Deco & Finish September 22 - 23, 2011
Deco & Finish November 19 - 20, 2010