October 16 - 18, 2012    ブダペスト , ハンガリー
This year’s HOVENTA trade exhibition, which will be the 31st such event so far, is the only comprehensive trade event in Hungary in 2012 to await exhibitors in the HUNGEXPO Budapest Fair Centre.


The Creative Cuisine Forum – a programme that has been highly popular for years now – is organised by Centralpress Kft., as an accompanying event to HOVENTA. Programmes will take place in the framework of three thematic days with the participation of the best of the profession in Hungary and renowned foreign professionals:

•  restaurant and hotel catering services
•  bakeries, confectioners and pizzerias
• beverage and coffee culture


Location: Hungexpo
Hungexpo C. Co. Ltd. is Hungary's recognised top exhibition organising company. With 40 years experience, it has been the leading actor of the domestic market since 1967. The unique pivot of its..
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+36 1 263 6000