July 3 - 6, 2010    シドニー , オーストラリア
With changing procurement cycles, the moving forward of the end-of-year sales season, and increasing retailer demands for more order fulfilment opportunities before the end of the year, September is just not viable anymore. After a successful launch in 2009, the July Home & Giving Fair is back in 2010.


Location: Sydney Showground
The Sydney Showground is operated by the Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) on the basis of a 99-year lease (with a further 99-year option) with the NSW Government. The RAS is a not for profit..
連絡先 Showground Locked Bag 4317 Olympic Park NSW 2127 Australia Sydney , Australia
+61 2 9704 1111


Home & Giving Fair July 2010 July 3 - 6, 2010
Home & Giving Fair July 2009 July 11 - 14, 2009