May 22 - 24, 2012    フィラデルフィア PA , 米国
Why spend your time searching online or thumbing through thick catalogues looking for supplier and product information, when just one day at Atlantic Design & Manufacturing can provide you with everything you need, all under one roof? Invest just one day and you’ll find hundreds of the nation’s best suppliers and industry experts, a complete array of design and manufacturing resources and solutions, and the education you’ll need to keep a step ahead of the competition.


Location: Pennsylvania Convention Center
Our commitment to delivering a seamless event for every customer, every time, is what drives our 1.3 million (and growing) square feet. We know exactly what it takes to produce a successful event and..
連絡先 1101 Arch Street Philadelphia , USA
+1 (215) 418-4700 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +1 (215) 418-4700      end_of_the_sky