January 5 - 9, 2010    Ahmedabad , インド

Visitors: 500000
出展者: 1500
Area: 14000


Location: University Ground
The University Ground was a test cricket stadium in Lucknow, India. The first and the only international test match was played on 23-26 October 1952 between India and Pakistan. The venue however was..
連絡先 Ahmedabad , India


ENGIMACH December 1 - 5, 2021
ENGIMACH December 4 - 8, 2019
ENGIMACH December 4 - 8, 2018
ENGIMACH December 6 - 10, 2017
ENGIMACH November 27 - December 1, 2013
ENGIMACH November 23 - 27, 2011
ENGIMACH 2010 January 5 - 9, 2010