August 26 - 29, 2010    リレストロム , ノルウェー
Gift & Interior is a closed trade fair and the premier marketplace for Norwegian buyers of decorative and utility products for the home, handicrafts, souvenirs, paper, flower-related articles, textiles, domestic fabrics and accessories.
This arena provides a unique opportunity to forge new contacts, cultivate existing customers, meet others from the trade, exchange experience, find new ideas and learn. The opportunities are yours!

Opening hours
Thursday-Friday 09.00-19.00
Saturday-Sunday 10.00-17.00


Location: Norges Varemesse
Norges Varemesse is a self-owning foundation, established in 1920, with a board and council drawn from a number of industry and government bodies. These include the Confederation of Norwegian..
連絡先 Messeveien 8, 2004 Lillestrom , Norway
Tel +47 66 93 91 00