March 31 - April 1, 2015    Houston TX , Stati Uniti
With oil prices recently falling to a 5-year low, E&P's are under increasing pressure to determine ways of controlling the costs of their unconventional oil and gas operations.

One of the opportunities for cost reduction lies in the supply chain. Supply chain departments at operators working in unconventional plays are now reevaluating their supply chain strategies at every stage to see what steps they can take to reduce the costs incurred by suppliers, materials and equipment and find solutions for controlling costs. This will involve restructuring contracts, setting new performance KPIs for their suppliers, improving the efficiency of transporting equipment to the well site and developing new procurement strategies for high-cost materials and equipment.

The Supply Chain Cost Control For Unconventional Oil & Gas Congress is the first ever event designed specifically for supply chain, procurement and contracts experts working in tight oil and shale gas plays. Consisting 100% of E&P case studies, the event will provide cost reduction opportunities that respond to supply chain challenges specific to unconventional oil & gas operations. Attendees will walk away with actionable solutions for reducing the cost of their supply chains to help the, respond to the current low oil prices


Location: Westin Galleria Houston
Contatta 5060 W St. Houston , USA
+1 713/9608100


American Business Conferences
3rd Floor, 25 Christopher Street, London, EC2A 2BS
++ 44 (0) 800 098 8489

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