November 19 - 21, 2014    Berlino , Germania
Core subjects in 2014
HR Transformation | HR Technologies & Systems | Leadership & Recruiting | Recruiting Technologies | Social Media & Employer Branding | HCM & Workforce Management | HR Analytics & HR Performance Management | HR Outsourcing & Insourcing | HR Service Management | Diversity Management | Management Development | skills shortage | Talent Management | Social Learning | Knowledge management | Corporate eLearning

From 19 to 21 November 2014 invites we.CONECT more than 100 HR decision makers and CIOs in the Humboldt Carré for i.CONECT HR Strategy & Technology Minds event in 2014.

Under the heading "HR Strategy & Technology", the content focuses exciting plenary discussion and dynamic small-group format (bar camps, One2Ones, Live Sessions (Tech Takes), World Cafes, training sessions, etc.) is primarily on best practices of world leaders and Hidden Champions, placed to discuss the latest challenges, trends and technologies in the 360 degree views and to develop concrete options for HR decision-makers and CHROs live.

Core of the HR Strategy & Technology Minds 2014 is the multi-touchpoint concept with a 360 degree feedback on project evaluations and investment decisions, focusing on the topics HR Transformation, HR Innovation, HR Technologies & Systems, Leadership & Recruiting, Recruiting Technologies, Social Media & Employer Branding, etc. and a unique, exclusive and pre-qualified access to C-level decision makers in the HR area.

In the i.CONECT designed by Matching Tool makers are deliberately brought together at the event to an effective and efficient networking to guarantee at eye level.


Location: Humboldt Umspannwerk
Contatta Kopenhagener Str. 56-58 / Sonnenburger Str. 73 10437 Berlin , Germany
+49 (0)173/6447462


we.CONECT Global Leaders GmbH
Gertraudenstraße 10-12 10178 Berlin Deutschland / Germany
+49 (0)30 52 10 70 3 - 44

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