April 14 - 16, 2013    Abu Dhabi , Emirati Arabi Uniti
Business Schools in the MENA Region: Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders

Target Group

Deans, Assistant Deans, Director of Programmes, those in charge of International Relations or with an interest in the Middle East and North Africa Regions

NB: There is only one (1) Registration form for both the seminar and the conference. However, it is possible to register only for the conference or only for the seminar.

The 2013 EFMD Conference in the MENA Region, "Business Schools in the MENA Region: Empowering the Next Generation of Leaders", will take place on the 14-16 April 2013 and will be hosted by the Abu Dhabi University, UAE. This event, kindly sponsored by GMAC, addresses ongoing trends in management education inside and outside of the MENA Region and promotes an active debate between regional actors and participants from other regions of the world. Topics such as business education for employment, family business and succession planning, the role of business schools in preparing entrepreneurs for the region, research, managing country risk perception, executive education, alumni engagement and the role of international campuses will be discussed with the contribution of leading academics and business representatives from the MENA Region, North America and Europe.


Location: Abu Dhabi University
The University of Abu Dhabi is based in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates. The city cultivates vibrant commercial
Contatta P.O Box 59911, , UAE Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates
800-ADYOU (800-23968)


Rue Gachard 88 - box 3 1050 Brussels Belgium
+32 2 629 08 10

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