November 30 - December 3, 2011    Giacarta , Indonesia
Indonesia's vast natural resources will ensure economic growth remains within the 5%-6% range over the next 10 years. Over our 10 year forecast we envisage worth averaging an annual real rate of 5.5%, way above the previous decade’s 2.8% average expansion. In addition, Indonesia will continue to benefit from a young population, which will ensure a healthy consumer base over the next decade, alongside a rising working population. The new political systems has improved long-term prospects for doing business in the country, as it has coresponded with an anti-corruption drive that is re-establishing trust in government institutions.


Location: Jakarta International Expo Center
Jakarta International Expo presents one of the finest exhibitions in the world. It provides flexible space options to accommodate the needs of every exhibition organizers. The organizers can choose in..
Contatta Gedung Pusat Niaga Lt. 1 Arena PRJ Kemayoran 10620 Jakarta , Indonesia
+62 (0)21/2664-5000

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Human Resource & Vocational Training Indonesia November 30 - December 3, 2011