14 September, 2010    Berlino , Germania
The book has for centuries been the main media of scientific work. As part of the digital revolution, this supremacy is at stake. The entire production, distribution and value chain is becoming increasingly digital. The classic business model is on the bench and the players have to redefine their roles.

On 14 September 2010 organize PaperC SWOP and the second digital book - the forum for new publishing - in Berlin. The conference provides a platform for publishers, universities, technology providers and other experts from the publishing industry to exchange ideas and experiences. In addition to lectures and panel discussions, sessions are interactive roundtable discussion of Best Practices on the agenda. The following topics are the focus of the forum are: new content business models, future prospects of open-access portals, digital strategies for scientific and professional publishers, and digital rights management.

Speakers include Rob Kniaz, former product manager for Google AdSense, publishing expert Arnoud de Kemp, managing director Simon textunes Seeger and Okke Schluter, a professor of media convergence at the Stuttgart Media University.

For the first time in the program BUDIP is the book Digital Innovation Pitch (): Selected boot-ups and founders are given the opportunity, business models to the conference audience to present their new and to face the discussion. The application is on http://www.buch-digitale.de possible.

The book takes place with Digital Support of Hewlett-Packard and the Berlin Chamber of Commerce | creative field. University partners are the book Science of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich and the Institute of Media and Communications Management at the University of St.Gallen. Media partners are the magazines and book report and the initiatives "I do stuff with books and project future UPLOAD.


Location: Ludwid Erhard Haus
All rooms of the house, Ludwig Erhard equipped with the latest technology - for " Showtime " at its finest. Audio and Videoaustattung vote as well as data and Internet , we individually to your..
Contatta Fasanenstrasse 85 10623 Berlin , Germany

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