February 3 - 5, 2010    Jyväskylä , Finlandia

Visitatori: 16000
Electricity, Telecommunications, Light & Audiovisual 2010 attracted almost 16,000 visitors According to preliminary figures, almost 16,000 visitors attended the Electricity, Telecommunications, Light & Audiovisual 2010 exhibition which closed on Friday.

The attendance at this exhibition, arranged at the Congress and Trade Fair Centre Jyväskylä Paviljonki, maintained the high level of the previous similar event arranged in 2008. Ilari Tervakangas, the sales director of Jyväskylä Fair Ltd. was satisfied with both the number of visitors and the duration of time spent at the exhibition:


Location: Jyväskylä Paviljonki
Contatta PL 127 40101 Jyvskyl Jyväskylä , Finland
+358 (0)14/3340000