October 20 - 22, 2009    Pisa , Italia
In recent years, a range of performance evaluation methodologies and tools has been developed within various research communities for the purposes of evaluation, design, and model reduction. The aim of the Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools conference is to build bridges between these communities, bringing theory and practice together. 

The technical program is now out: http://www.valuetools.org/techprog.shtml It includes 38 papers and 11 technical sessions in all areas of Performance Evaluation (queuing theory, game theory, network calculus, complex networks, simulation, Petri nets, Markovian systems). 

We are proud to announce our four top-class keynote speakers:

Francois Baccelli, INRIA

Sergiu Hart, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Technical University of Catalunya 

Patrick Thiran, EPFL Lausanne


Location: Grand Hotel Duomo
Contatta Pisa , Italy