March 19 - 20, 2012    Dallas TX , Stati Uniti
Private, On-site & Custom Training Courses

If you have six or more people in your company that need training in cellular communications, we can come to you! You'll save travel time and expense and benefit from an exclusive, on-site presentation to your company anywhere in the world. This format allows you to:

* Eliminate travel time and expenses for your employees - saving up to $1,500 per person.

* Customize the content of the course to meet the needs of your company.

* Schedule the course at a time and place convenient to your company, including our own training facilities.

* Have your employees freely discuss confidential subjects that may not be appropriate in a training course with non-company attendees.

* Educate your employees at a fraction of the cost of a public course.


Location: Alexander Resources' Training Center
Contatta 15455 Parkway, Suite 600 Addison Dallas , USA