May 20 - 22, 2011    Firenze , Italia
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Terra Futura attracts the attention of the wider world of professionals and practitioners, but not all. The event, in fact, is dedicated to all concerned citizens to better know the "best practices" of sustainability proven, tried and tested. Particular attention is paid to young people and families in order to engage in the dissemination of patterns and sustainable lifestyles.

And again, traders, business leaders, entrepreneurs, citizens engaged in the voluntary sector and non-profit, educators, teachers, students, administrators, public ... who want to really build a society based on respect of man and nature. A world to "everyone".


Location: Fortezza da Basso
The monumentale complex of the Fortezza da Basso, built on the outskirts of a mediaeval city from a design by the great architect Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, with the help of Pierfranceco da..
Contatta Viale Filippo Strozzi 1 50129 Firenze Florence , Italy
+39 0 55/49721