March 4 - 7, 2018    Ponte Vedra FL , Etats-Unis d’Amérique
To survive and thrive in today’s competitive addiction healthcare landscape, your company needs multi-talented senior executives and management who have a firm grasp of the big picture. C4 Recovery Foundation, Inc.’s AXIS conference is designed to assist companies and programs strengthen their leadership team and explore how to integrate critical business functions in a unified strategy that drives ethical excellence and growth. AXIS brings together individuals from diverse companies to engage in a stimulating exchange of ideas. You and your peers will leave this intensive learning experience with new perspectives on the changing behavioral healthcare environment, leadership, business operations, and your role in shaping corporate and industry direction in the addiction field. AXIS examines how to design and implement forward-looking strategies that: Develop and sustain competitive advantage by applying state-of-the-art management practices to the delivery of care Adopt and implement innovations to achieve organizational excellence and improve clinical/financial outcomes and operational efficiencies Build and sustain competitive advantages through outcomes-informed treatment and recovery services Collaborate effectively with fellow executives Proactively address the challenges, risks and opportunities presented by a changing competitive environment Contribute to your company’s growth at a more strategic level Capitalize on market opportunities Build strong teams AXIS prepares executives for new levels of leadership in their careers and within their organizations. C4 invites you to take your next step here.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Sawgrass Marriott Resort & Spa
Contact 1000 PGA TOUR Blvd. Ponte Vedra , USA

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