PTE - Promotion Trade Exhibition 2018
January 17 - 19, 2018
MIlan , Italie
Visiteurs: 4500
Exposants: 163
Fiera Milano has acquired PTE - PromotionTrade Exhibition, the annual international exhibition of advertising specialities, promotional garments and personalization technologies. Fiera Milano, assumes direct organisation of this exhibition, already hosted in its exhibition fairground but until now managed by a third party. The acquisition of PTE will not change the January 2017 edition, already laid out and scheduled to be held at fieramilanocity.
Lieux de Rendez-Vous
Location: Fiera Milano
Fiera Milano supplies exhibiting companies with a comprehensive range of top quality services that are designed to support attendance to an exhibition.
Fiera Milano is in fact in a position to..
OPS Srl - Piazzale Accursio 14, 20156 Milano , Italy
+39 02 4997.1
Evénements Liés
PTE - Promotion Trade Exhibition January 17 - 19, 2018
PTE - Promotion Trade Exhibition January 14 - 16, 2015
PTE - Promotion Trade Exhibition January 22 - 24, 2014
PTE - Promotion Trade Exhibition January 16 - 18, 2013
pte - Promotion Trade Exhibition January 18 - 20, 2012
PTE - Promotion Trade Exhibition January 19 - 21, 2011