PROCESS EXPO - International Exposition for Food Processors 2015
conférences > Bakery, Confectionery conférences > PROCESS EXPO - International Exposition for Food Processors
September 15 - 18, 2015
Chicago IL , Etats-Unis d’Amérique

Visiteurs: 19155
Exposants: 829
Solutions For All Food, All Beverage
This event features expertise at every link in the supply chain in the form of exhibits and the education from the nation's leading academics. See what PROCESS EXPO has to offer for your business.
PROCESS EXPO is host to thousands of top decision makes from some of the world's most successful food and beverage companies converging face-to-face is a four day event. If you have never attended or exhibited before, take a look at what you will find at the largest US event dedicated to food and beverage next year.
This event features expertise at every link in the supply chain in the form of exhibits and the education from the nation's leading academics. See what PROCESS EXPO has to offer for your business.
PROCESS EXPO is host to thousands of top decision makes from some of the world's most successful food and beverage companies converging face-to-face is a four day event. If you have never attended or exhibited before, take a look at what you will find at the largest US event dedicated to food and beverage next year.
Lieux de Rendez-Vous
Location: McCormick Place
Welcome to Chicago's McCormick Place, the premier convention facility in North America. Located just minutes from downtown Chicago, McCormick Place is owned and operated by the Metropolitan Pier and..
2301 S. Lake Shore Drive, 60616 Chicago , USA

Food Processing Suppliers Association (FPSA)
(703) 761-2600
1451 Dolley Madison Boulevard Suite 101 McLean, Virginia 22101-3850

Evénements Liés
PROCESS EXPO - International Exposition for Food Processors September 15 - 18, 2015
PROCESS EXPO - International Exposition for Food Processors November 3 - 6, 2013
PROCESS EXPO November 1 - 4, 2011
Process Expo July 18 - 20, 2010
PROCESS EXPO - International Exposition for Food Processors October 5 - 7, 2009