September 25 - 26, 2013    San Jose CA , Etats-Unis d’Amérique
Over 2 days you'll find out how to:

Stretch the solar day: Your plant could increase its up-time with design tips from EPCs and a cost-effective storage solution
Integrate efficiently to the grid: Transmit every kW with the latest research on voltage and find out how you could reduce the permitting headache
Reduce plant cost: Learn how to cut plant and project costs with case studies from top EPCs and developers
Optimize O&M: Evaluate cost-benefit of different monitoring and maintenance strategies at 10MW, 50MW and 100MW scales to increase yield and reduce downtime
Boost inverter performance: Turn your power into profits with in-depth inverter choice analysis and maintenance recommendations tailored to different plant sizes
Maximize plant yield: Make sure your plants fulfil their projections beyond the early years of plant performance by selecting the best components and diagnostic software

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Hyatt San Jose
Contact 1740 North First St. San Jose , USA