August 21 - 22, 2013    Brisbane , Australie
From 8:15 am to 5:00 pm

Dont miss this opportunity to refine your organizational and interpersonal skills. This course is jam-packed with techniques and insights into running a dynamic and stimulating office environment.

In modern working environments, more and more assistants are encouraged to take on office management responsibilities.

Whether it is purely taking over the day to day running of office activities or taking on a team of staff to help: this can be very challenging as not only will your workload increase but you will be required to use skills you have never used before.
It is not uncommon to feel lost and unsupported in the office management role, everyone having high expectations of you and yet offering very little help and guidance.

Price: 2 Day Training Course $ 2304.50 АУД

Key Learning Outcomes
• Appreciate the strategic importance of defining and understanding your crucial role as an office manager
• Discover the key to a robust and effective organisation
• Describe how to effectively manage the dynamics of change
• Recognise how to take on extra responsibility while staying in control
• Understand effective negotiation and influencing skills and how to best apply them in your role
• Learn how to get the outcome you desire through effective win/win communication skills
• Appreciate how to cram 24 hours into a morning – learn dynamic time management tools
• Gain insights into managing difficult people, situations and stress in a calm and effective manner
• Learn to foster a productive, efficient and positive office environment

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Christie Conference Centre
Contact Level 2, 3 Spring Street 2000 Sydney , Australia
+61 02 8249 4003

Evénements Liés

Effective Office Management - Sydney October 15 - 16, 2013