September 2 - 8, 2013    Irkutsk , Russie

The annual inter-regional exhibition "Holy Russia" is part of the Church and Society Exhibition-Forum "Orthodox Russia", whose mission - to unite the efforts of the Russian Orthodox Church, the secular authorities, and the public to preserve and promote the traditional cultural values ​​of national culture, art and morality.



  • Service of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • Recovery and restoration of churches and monasteries
  • Temple furniture, church attributes
  • Iconography
  • Spiritual Education and Awareness
  • Church Printing and Publishing
  • Orthodox traditions in jewelry

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Sibexpocentre
«Sibexpocenter» is an organization capable of holding a presentation at any large Russian or foreign exhibition. Specialists of exhibition complex have the experience of preparing and presentation of..
Contact 253 A, Baikalskaja ul., Exhibition Complex 664050 Irkutsk , Russia
+7 (0)3952/352239

Evénements Liés

HOLY RUSSIA - Irkutsk September 2 - 8, 2013
HOLY RUSSIA - Irkutsk September 3 - 9, 2012
HOLY RUSSIA - Irkutsk September 1 - 7, 2011