November 16 - 17, 2012
The Franco-German Forum, a European recruitment and student fair, offers you the possibility to meet young trilingual graduates, professionally experienced job applicants of Grandes Ecoles and universities as well as advanced students shortly before their first employment.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Sorry, this event is quite new so we couldn't find any venue information.
Please check again in the near future.

Evénements Liés

DFF-FFA - Franco-German Forum November 25 - 26, 2016
DFF-FFA - Franco-German Forum November 22 - 23, 2015
DFF-FFA - Franco-German Forum November 22 - 23, 2014
DFF-FFA - Franco-German Forum November 22 - 23, 2013
DFF-FFA - Franco-German Forum November 16 - 17, 2012
DFF-FFA - Franco-German Forum November 18 - 19, 2011