June 24 - 27, 2012    Belgrade , Serbie et Monténégro
IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing 2012 will be held in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia.
Internet traffic keeps growing thanks to the access technologies whose speeds are increasing at a fast pace, and thanks to many non-profit and commercial efforts to bridge the digital-divide by providing all the advantages of the Internet to developing countries as well. At the same time, challenging applications are gaining popularity on the Internet such as multimedia and P2P applications. Multimedia applications require a lot of bandwidth and low delays, while the traffic patterns of P2P applications are impossible to predict. IPv4 addresses are being exhausted at this very moment. Data centers are moving a vast amount of content through thousands of switches.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Hotel Balkan
Hotel Balkan is an oasis of peace and cosiness, placed amidst the boiling energy and tumultous life of Belgrade center, daily visited by thousands of people, and is an ideal basis for businessmen as..
Contact Prizrenska 2, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Belgrade , Serbia & Montenegro
+ 381 11 36 36 000