January 10 - 11, 2012    New York NY , Etats-Unis d’Amérique
Get cutting-edge insight to help you fine-tune your fund’s operational strategies to ensure optimum efficiency! If you’re looking for innovative, cost-effective solutions to meet your fund’s complex operational challenges, then the Hedge Fund Business Operations Association’s (HFBOA) Optimizing Hedge Fund Business Operations conference should not be missed. We’ve teamed up with industry thought leaders and top hedge fund executives from across the country to deliver a program jam-packed with ground-breaking insight and useful takeaways that you can apply to your fund’s operational game-plan right away. Panel topics include The real impact of Dodd-Frank and how to best survive its implications, What’s the latest on hot-button SEC issues?, Investor due diligence – how has it changed as of late?, The nuts and bolts of an effective and cost efficient compliance program, What corporate governance means to a hedge fund, The latest ruling on FATCA and what you should be doing to get ready, What do investors consider to be today’s manager “must haves”?, How technology can truly help your fund, What are the rules and responsibilities of an independent board of directors?, Fundraising strategies in today’s environment, Operational due diligence best practices, Acceleration capital – how to get that vital capital injection that your fund needs, The impact of the new mandatory clearing requirements on OTC derivatives, Surviving an SEC Audit, Best practices for various hard-to-value valuation methodologies, How good is your disaster recovery plan?, Managed accounts – the pros and cons of having one/running one, Guidance on all the new forms and documents.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Princeton Club of New York
Contact 15 West 43rd Street New York , USA