March 2 - 4, 2012
Saint Pétersbourg , Russie
Topical sections of the exhibition
Wedding services
-organization of wedding ceremonies (including travelling registrations)
-choosing the banquet venue
-organization and conducting the celebration
-catering companies
-florists (wedding flowers and compositions)
-design studios (decorations of the celebration venues and transport)
-agencies, providing transport for wedding corteges
-organization of fireworks and laser-shows
-musical support and organization of shows
-dancing studios
-confectionary companies (wedding cakes and round-loafs)
-photo- and video studios
-hotels and inns (wedding offers for newly married)
-advertising companies and publishing houses (design and production of wedding invitation cards)
Wedding services
-organization of wedding ceremonies (including travelling registrations)
-choosing the banquet venue
-organization and conducting the celebration
-catering companies
-florists (wedding flowers and compositions)
-design studios (decorations of the celebration venues and transport)
-agencies, providing transport for wedding corteges
-organization of fireworks and laser-shows
-musical support and organization of shows
-dancing studios
-confectionary companies (wedding cakes and round-loafs)
-photo- and video studios
-hotels and inns (wedding offers for newly married)
-advertising companies and publishing houses (design and production of wedding invitation cards)
Lieux de Rendez-Vous
Location: Lenexpo Fairgrounds
"Lenexpo" complex possesses a number of significant advantages which help the company run successful business, and make it meet all the requirements, usually put for the exhibition conduction. It..
103 Bolshoy Prospect St. Petersburg, 199106 Saint Petersburg , Russia
7 (812) 217 2047
+7 812 321-2615
Evénements Liés
ST. PETERSBURG WEDDING March 2 - 4, 2012
ST. PETERSBURG WEDDING March 4 - 6, 2011
ST. PETERSBURG WEDDING April 22 - 25, 2010
ST. PETERSBURG WEDDING April 23 - 26, 2009