March 18 - 21, 2010
Saint Pétersbourg , Russie
Firm "Sovencon" invite gardeners, truck farmers, owners of country
sites and wholesalers from March, 18 till March, 22 in Expocentre "LENEXPO"
in the Harbour where annual exhibition-fair "Our house and a garden - 2010"
will take place. On it it is possible to get acquainted and
at desire to get production which is let out by firms-manufacturers, to
receive the qualified consultation on application of those or other
You can meet manufacturers of production for gardeners from
Nizhni Novgorod, Moscow, Great Novgorod, Kostroma, Saint Petersburg
and Leningrad region. Visitors of an exhibition can meet editions of the
favourite specialized editions. The exhibition will pass at information
support of Management on development of gardening and truck farming
of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region and Inter-regional public
organization "Union of gardeners".
sites and wholesalers from March, 18 till March, 22 in Expocentre "LENEXPO"
in the Harbour where annual exhibition-fair "Our house and a garden - 2010"
will take place. On it it is possible to get acquainted and
at desire to get production which is let out by firms-manufacturers, to
receive the qualified consultation on application of those or other
You can meet manufacturers of production for gardeners from
Nizhni Novgorod, Moscow, Great Novgorod, Kostroma, Saint Petersburg
and Leningrad region. Visitors of an exhibition can meet editions of the
favourite specialized editions. The exhibition will pass at information
support of Management on development of gardening and truck farming
of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region and Inter-regional public
organization "Union of gardeners".
Lieux de Rendez-Vous
Location: Lenexpo Fairgrounds
"Lenexpo" complex possesses a number of significant advantages which help the company run successful business, and make it meet all the requirements, usually put for the exhibition conduction. It..
103 Bolshoy Prospect St. Petersburg, 199106 Saint Petersburg , Russia
7 (812) 217 2047
+7 812 321-2615
Evénements Liés
OUR HOUSE AND GARDEN March 24 - 27, 2011
OUR HOUSE AND GARDEN March 18 - 21, 2010
OUR HOUSE AND GARDEN March 13 - 22, 2009