ISA Calgary Instrumentation Show 2009
April 22 - 23, 2009
Edmonton , Canada
Visiteurs: 5550
Exposants: 188
Zone: 45200
Lieux de Rendez-Vous
Location: Northlands Agricom
Northlands is committed to providing the best in entertainment experiences and business opportunities. This is achieved by being a producer, partner, facilitator and host, while positioning Edmonton..
Box 1480 , Alberta, Canada T5J 2N5 Edmonton , Canada
Toll Free 1.888.800.7275
Evénements Liés
ISA Calgary April 17 - 19, 2013
ISA Calgary April 13 - 14, 2011
The ISA Edmonton 2010 Exhibit & Conference April 14 - 15, 2010
ISA Calgary Instrumentation Show April 22 - 23, 2009